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Archangel Raphael Healing Reading (3 card spread)

Archangel Raphael Healing Reading (3 card spread)

Archangels are the managers of your personal guardian angels. Each archangel has a specialty, and Archangel Raphael’s is health. Raphael’s name means “he who heals” or “God heals”, and he helps everyone who calls upon him without exception. Raphael guides healers, would-be healers, and those who are ailing (both humans and animals).
Like all Archangels, Raphael is non-denominational and unconditionally loving. If you wish to receive his help, he’ll always say yes. He respects your free will, however, so Raphael will only provide assistance if you ask for it. But once you call upon him, he’ll guide you in creative and sometimes unforeseen ways. For that reason, please don’t tell Raphael how to help you. Simply ask for your healing desire, and then give the archangel room to answer your prayer.
Many times, when we pray for healing or assistance with a healing career, Raphael will whisper guidance through intuitive feelings, recurring thoughts, dreams, signs or visions. This Divine guidance is Raphael’s way of partnering with you. So if you feel a strong urge to investigate some new health procedure, for example, please follow through with this intuition.
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