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FasterEFT Transformational Coaching Sessions



                   Designed to empower your way to your loving, creative, joyous and successful YOU, these sessions are all you need to grow                        towards your true happiness, helping you overcome your mental and emotional challenges on your way to creating the life of your biggest dreams.


    Sessions are performed via Skype or Google Hangout.



Simple Package
One-on-one private transformational session 
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Deluxe Package
5  One-on-one private transformational sessions 
                                    (60min each)
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"I thank you so much, Inês, for the session we had on my problem with my work. After a burn out that led me out of work for one year, I came back to work a little over a year ago, thanks to Faster EFT that I did on myself. Nevertheless, for all of that time, I have had a very hard time focusing on my work. I did not feel very present and was not pro active at all. As a result, I have been very slow and  did not perform well. I felt shame inside of me because of that but was not able to change the problem. 

Since our session, I have changed : I am much more present, proactive and productive. I feel more upbeat too, and have more good interactions with my collegues -that I tended to avoid before- My bosses seem very pleased.

I thank you for your insights, your warmth and your gift as a practitioner. The session has been very fruitfull."                                                                                    

                                                                                                                                                                                      Clémence, Paris,  França 



"I have found Inês to be very supportive, intuitive and a excellent FEFT therapist, thanks Inês for all of the positive changes you have made in my life."  


                                                                                                          Pauline Molloy, London, UK

"I felt very well during our session. The transformational process was intense and it's amazing how the images change. I just loved the making fun of the negative images techique. I still laugh about it!"


                                                                                                                               Rosa, Gerês, Portugal

"I had a good period of time getting to know Inês as a friend, a practitioner and a client. To be her friend, my heart was melted away by her sincerity, tenderness and compassion. As a practitioner, I am proud to see her growth in the past few month of time. What touches me the most is her deep commitment in her own growth that also gives her the integrity in her own practice as a practitioner. As her client, I had the privilege to enjoy her gentle and respectful guidance. I appreciate the organic approach she incorporate in her practice. I would recommend Inês to anyone who is in need for support in their healing and growth."


 Shiyun Tang, Vancouver, Canada

"Inês is a very caring, empathetic, patient and conpassionate faster eft healer who is passionate about helping others. Since working with Inês my positivity for life has improved and I have got back more in tune with my spirituality. Our sessions have always been enjoyable and and I have always felt clearer headed afterwards. I do have complex issues at the moment but Inês has helped me through our time working together reducing my panic and helping me shift some distressing memories."


Suzanne, Glasgow, Scotland

" I had amazing experience working with Inês. She is very gentle, kind and professional practitioner. It's really great to have someone to help you through the emotional challenges. Faster EFT is extremely powerful tool and I've experienced changes on many levels using it: physical, emotional and mental. Thank you Inês, I am so very grateful our paths have crossed." 


Olga, Texas, USA

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