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Archangel Oracle Cards Reading (3 cards spread)

Archangel Oracle Cards Reading (3 cards spread)

The Archangels are very real, powerful, non-denominational, angels who oversee the guardian angels. Think of them as the guardian angels’ managers. Archangels are messengers from the Creator to the created, who help us with every area of our lives. They protect us and guide us, bringing about peace on earth, one person at a time. Because they are so powerful, archangels also motivate us to take action.
The archangels have no time or space restrictions, so they can simultaneously be with everyone who calls upon them. Archangels can have unique, personalized experiences and exchanges with all of us.
Each religion and spiritual path has its own doctrine concerning the archangels. This deck is based upon 15 archangels from Jewish, Cabalistic, Christian, Catholic, and Islamic ancient spiritual practices, texts, and beliefs. The cards feature their commonly used names, although some archangels are known by other names in varying paths.
Anyone can call upon an archangel. You needn’t say a formal invocation, have special education or religious training, or live a perfect life to elicit their attention. Just thinking of an archangel’s name is enough to call one to your side. The archangels are happy to help you with everyday life concerns. Since they’re unlimited beings, you needn’t worry that you’re pulling an archangel away from more pressing issues. The archangels work in concert with your guardian angels to effect healings, guidance and miracles.
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